Live life from the positive side. Truly, there are times when smiling does not truly reflect your mood but the person that will be purpose fulfilling cannot define life from the blurry lens and still expect to see clearly. For every one reason to be moody, there are two reasons to be grateful. It will appear as if we are wired to think that what characterises life itself are the activities we form around it. The urge to succeed leaves us acquiring that we, sometimes, forget to give more so we can acquire more.

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Silent weapon

Some people silently wish you well but you can mistake them for enemies because you don’t see them praise you too often. Some genuinely praise you from the depth of their hearts, but hear this - the open encomiums you get from some people are for reasons not connected to you. There is more to learn from honest criticism than disguised praise. Are you still there? ©️akinjnr2021

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Truly, there are times you become overwhelmed but don’t ever be tempted to stop giving what you have more than others. The real value in it is when others benefit from your abundance. If you don’t give, the value diminishes. I’m not even talking about money. Think about what money cannot buy. Are you still there? ©️akinjnr2021

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Disguised praise

Don’t trust the person who encourages you to do anything immoral or illegal, even if to your advantage. Your secret in his hands is a silent weapon to his own advantage. That weapon can be used. An average human being is selfish. Are you still there? ~akinjnr2021

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Each day presents me vista of opportunities for new discoveries and adventures. As nature adds years to my life and as I consciously add life to my years, I discovered a fact about life. The freest human beings are those who do things their way. I found out that the life of an imitator is a very stressful life. Those who do things their way are quick to borrow from the knowledge of others but they are not stereotyped. They don’t pretend to know everything but they don’t allow themselves to be caged to a thought process. They fear less about what tomorrow will bring because they are not restricted to a one size fits all approach to any problem. It is good to aspire to do the things that make other people great but smart people do not have to be like others before they do the great things that others do. They imitate good things but they don’t settle for an imitator as an identity because their own identity is never mistaken. They copy the great things but they do things their way to achieve great results.