If you are that upwardly mobile young man or woman who is still at your prime, if you still have full vigour and the benefit of flexibility to take decisions that affect your life and growth, let us have a dialogue. We may not totally agree on all the issues but let’s get into it. I will come back to figure 6. There is this young man I know. Very diligent, hardworking and reasonably ambitious. I knew him through a cousin of his and he offered that I should be his mentor. I saw in him a promising young man and I accepted his offer with gladness. He was a messenger in the organisation he was working with at the time but he was determined to make a success of his situation. We agreed that we should be in constant touch. He enrolled in a university as a distant learner. Slowly but steadily, he progressed in his studies and we kept regular touch.

Continue ReadingTHE OTHER SIDE OF 6


I used to trust without reservation. I believe that it is good nature to trust and give the benefit of the doubt but experience has taught me that it is safer to trust, but verify. Permit me to say that what we label as betrayals, sometimes, are expectations taken too far. Those who moderate their expectations experience less disappointments and when they do, they are able to carry on without bruises.



I think that passion is much deeper in meaning than we usually ascribe to it. Very often, we use the word ‘passion’ loosely but the emotional attachment to the word activates positive energy that is difficult to ignore. Passion defies the odds and it could be addictive but in a positive way. It is not difficult to identify your passion. There is a leading question that can point you to the way of what you are passionate about. What is that thing you derive so much satisfaction doing that you will still enjoy doing even when there is no financial rewards? To some, it is a straight answer while to others, some deeper thinking is needed before they can answer. There is something about passion. Sometimes it looks crazy, particularly when it is only you who have a deep understanding of what you are aiming at. At other times, it may not make sense to an observer and it may be difficult for you to explain for others to understand. What you shouldn’t do is to pander to the whims of others and jettison your passion simply because you want to be accepted.