Why do we do what we do? Purpose. There is always a reason behind any action you take. At different stages in life, you do things for different reasons. At the early stages, it is more about yourself. As you graduate in age and accomplishments, the focus begins to shift from self to others. That is the true test of growth. If you check, satisfying others at the maturity stage means satisfying yourself. You may not be able to define your satisfaction at this stage by intrinsic rewards for yourself but by the extrinsic rewards others get when you are fulfilling your own purpose. A word describes the feeling at this stage succinctly - impact.

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Duplicated: SHE FOUND LOVE AGAIN – [#1547]

She loved me and I knew it. I loved her and I won’t deny. I pretended that she needed me more but the hidden truth was that I desired her more than I showed. I thought I had her in my palm but I lost her to another man who was not pretentious. If you spare me a moment I’ll tell you a story. It is more private than you would imagine but if I don’t share it, who will? We learn more from stories that touch the heart. I decided to share this so I can lend my voice to what women suffer in abusive marriage, just to prove a point that does not exist. Let’s face it, men also suffer abuse in marriage than is usually reported. By the nature of men, news are made only when things have reached a crescendo. Haven’t we heard of men who paid the supreme price just because they chose to love? Abuse in marriage has become such a big threat to life. If we choose to be silent, this monster will continue to fester.

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This is not a political post. The political atmosphere is charged, no doubt. Hence, it is not unexpected to read meaning to the subject of this post. Let me say with emphasis that as a leadership coach, the topic I chose for discourse today is more about leadership than politics and I take full responsibility for any reaction this post may attract. I met Professor Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) for the first time ever at the Fountain of Life Church, Lagos sometimes in 2009. The occasion was the annual Word Explosion conference of The Fountain of Life Church where Pastor Osinbajo was a guest minister. Aside the fact that Pastor Osinbajo is a friend to the Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church, his younger brother, Akin Osinbajo (SAN) is also a Pastor in the church. Pastor Yemi Osinbajo spoke for about an hour and half. Before then, I have never met him physically nor had the opportunity to listen to him speak, even virtually. I still remember every detail of the sermon word for word but let us save that for another day. I took a long sigh after his ministration and I prayed quietly that God should cause a miracle to get Pastor Osinbajo closer to the top echelon of leadership in Nigeria. Six years later, by providence and divine orchestration, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, became the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.



“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do”. This is an excerpt from Steve Jobs’ epoch making speech to the staff of Apple some years back during the “Think different” campaign. Unarguably, Apple products have changed the world. Many times we think about the future as if it is far away but more often, the future comes knocking on our door before we know it. You can actually bring the future closer by the action you take today, particularly if you still have all the time to make a choice and chart a course for yourself. I remember in my secondary school days when everyone wanted to be a medical doctor, a lawyer, an accountant or an engineer. The popular mantra then was professional course and you were made to prepare for this challenge by the choice of subjects you offered. In my school then, it was particularly more prestigious if you belonged to science class and our colleagues in science class saw themselves as first among equals. Others were made to feel like second class students not bright enough to stand the rigours of study.