The year 2022 winds down in a bit. Coming this far may be taken for granted but not all who wished, came this far. For you and I who are still able to read and write, there is a lot to be thankful for. To the Author of life and Creator of the Universe, Who did not only give life but gave it in abundance, Lord, I have come to say thank you. It is that time of the year to appreciate those who made life count. You are one of them and I have come to say thank you. There will not be a writer without readers. To you who read my posts and encourage me with public acknowledgement, I have come to say thank you. To many more who silently follow me and chip in words of encouragement either publicly or privately once in a while, I have come to say thank you. To all who challenge my thought process and critique my quotes to make me a deeper thinker, I have come to say thank you. To all who disagree with my views and open me up to divergent views on subjects of critical importance, I have come to say thank you, with utmost respect.

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This week ushers us fully into Yuletide. I took a moment to ponder and I am imagining, what if everyday is Christmas? No one needs to announce Christmas. The feeling is not the same as any other season all through the year. What if the feeling lasts all year long? What if the love that accompanies Christmas is shared all days round the year? What if the less privileged feel valued and remembered every single day of the year? What if we make giving a daily affair as we share our excess possessions with the needy, some of whom we are too busy to notice at the peak of our hustles? What if we put our differences aside, like we do at Christmastime, and share great moments together as the season leads us into a new year without the burden of unforgiveness? If everyday is Christmas, will Christmas still be special? Maybe not. What makes Christmas special is its seasonal nature and the message of love it spreads.



Many things announce Yuletide, a season of joy. Europe or America, Middle East or Asia, there is a peculiar feeling that announces the season. In Africa where I belong, there is no other feeling like Christmas. When the weather is hazy, then you know Christmas is coming. The songs that rent the air are not the usuals for all seasons. When activities peak and showing of love becomes the norm, then you know that Christmas is near. Old and young, the feeling is just the same. Christmas is not race sensitive, I hope you know. Religion accords Christmas its dues, irrespective of faith. Social or economic class defer to Christmas. Why can’t every day even be like Christmas? The season is here and I am just excited. Many reasons to be grateful to the Author of life. If you are the discerning type you will know that every cycle completed is just by His grace. This joy is mine but I’m glad to share.

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You may think it is one of those things but I can tell you that an average human being feels more accepted wherever he can communicate effectively. Communication is two way, it involves not only hearing, but being heard. I used to attend a particular church when I arrived Lagos after my service year. The church had a considerable balance of the major ethnic nationalities, at least in the southern part of the country. I really can’t tell if it was by coincidence but it happened that the choir was predominantly populated by a particular ethnic nationality, even though the presiding pastor is of another ethnic nationality. Gradually but consistently, praise and worship sessions became so skewed to a particular native tongue that the rest of us who don’t speak the language were left to enjoy only the rhythm of the melodious music coming from the choir, even when we didn’t understand the message.