Imagination is a powerful tool in decision making. Sometimes, creating different scenarios and possible outcomes in your mind can lead you to arriving at a sound judgement, particularly when there is pressure to make a hasty decision.

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Sometimes you wonder, time, where has it gone? If you respect fellow humans or position, you are in order but if you treat time merely as a beautiful clock that tick-tocks what time of the day it is, or a designer watch that decorates your wrist, you are missing something. I’m noteven talking about punctuality. I thought to remind you that time is a leveler.

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Nothing good comes easy. Of all the rules of life, love stands tall. Even the book of life, The Bible, commanded that you should love your neighbour as yourself. It sounds easy but it is not as easy as it sounds to love. Nobody said it’s going to be easy but love is a beautiful thing. Difficult as it is to love your neighbour, it is more difficult for you to measure your love for yourself because no one is complaining of lack of love. Before you can love your neighbour, the first rule you must obey is to love yourself. If you are not the vigilant type, you may get carried away trying to show love to others without observing the first rule. It has repercussions.

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Welcome to 2024. You might have achieved all your goals and more for 2023. Maybe you met it half way. It could also be that the hope for the realisation of your goals for 2023 was deferred. Own the moment, every season is for a reason. There are several reasons your goals might not have been achieved or delayed. Maybe you had some disappointments. Or perhaps you experienced scarcity of resources, but what if I tell you that abundance does not equate the fulfillment of purpose? If you have ever experienced scarcity, you would readily wish it away. I also would but there are more lessons to learn in scarcity than when there is more than enough of anything. Optimise your moment of lack so you don’t miss it when there is abundance. Every season in your life has its reason. Don’t despise the season you don’t wish for. Rather, pay attention to the lessons, many of which may be hidden in lack or disappointments. Whatever you lack presents you an opportunity to explore.



The sun rises and sets just like every other day but the feeling is different. The moon glows to herald the twilight as typical of the day but the atmosphere is different. The stars glitter to attract the beauty of the skies but the excitement is different. It’s a season of love, a season of giving, a season of sharing. It is more than religion, it transcends faith. The season is not conscious of race, it is not colour sensitive, neither does it respect geographical boundaries. What then makes this season different from others? Because it’s Christmas.


Disguised praise

Don’t trust the person who encourages you to do anything immoral or illegal, even if to your advantage. Your secret in his hands is a silent weapon to his own advantage. That weapon can be used. An average human being is selfish. Are you still there? ~akinjnr2021

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Truly, there are times you become overwhelmed but don’t ever be tempted to stop giving what you have more than others. The real value in it is when others benefit from your abundance. If you don’t give, the value diminishes. I’m not even talking about money. Think about what money cannot buy. Are you still there? ©️akinjnr2021

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Silent weapon

Some people silently wish you well but you can mistake them for enemies because you don’t see them praise you too often. Some genuinely praise you from the depth of their hearts, but hear this – the open encomiums you get from some people are for reasons not connected to you. There is more to learn from honest criticism than disguised praise. Are you still there? ©️akinjnr2021

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What really makes a place developed? Is it the skyscrapers? Is it the good roads? Rail lines? Or is it the provision of social amenities that guarantee minimum basic welfare for the citizenry? What makes a country developed? As I juggle with answers in my mind, I remember a movie I watched sometimes back where one of the actors said that “politicians don’t like people who do good just because it is right. They get nervous.” I ruminated over this quote and I began to understand why the rich protect their club from being crowded. It occurred to me that the more a society creates super rich individuals in material wealth at the expense of a greater majority with rich mindset, the poorer the society will become. A country is as developed as the vision of the leaders. Every other thing is an add on and a given. Wealth does not create vision, it is the other way round. Visionary leadership propels quality mindset of the citizenry.