A nation is as promising as the prospects of her youthful populace. Any government that wants to leave a legacy must focus on the youths. The reason is simple, the middle aged work to sustain the senior citizens and the children. Good leadership is people-centric, Nigeria on my mind. At this stage of our national life, it is obvious that Nigeria needs massive foreign investment for the much desired industrial development. East or West, a lot is required, from infrastructure upgrade, to rail transportation, to industry and to real estate. Standing tall is Nigeria/China trade partnership which has gained a lot of mileage in recent times. Promising as it looks, if we don’t have a policy shift now, we may soon find out that the future of Nigeria has been completely sold out. Nigeria is attracting huge investment from the Far East for the right reasons but we need a policy response to this idea of foreign investors importing their labour force alongside their technology in an unemployment riddled economy like Nigeria where hundreds of thousands of able bodied and qualified young men and women roam the streets for lack of what to do.